$ 0 0 Buriedbornes2 - Dungeon RPG - on Steam"The oldest and most abhorrent Prophecy has become reality. This is endless and merciless warfare for Buriedbornes, army can revive forever." The long-awaited sequel to t…store.steampowered.com 本日1月10日からプレイ出来るBuriedbornes2@1時間でプレイできるな~と待ってたものの時間になってみるとリリース日が近日登場に変更そんな土壇場で延期することあるんや元々は昨年12月開始だったんだよな~ 開発人数も少なそうだし(個人???)残念だが待つしかないな
Buriedbornes2 - Dungeon RPG - on Steam"The oldest and most abhorrent Prophecy has become reality. This is endless and merciless warfare for Buriedbornes, army can revive forever." The long-awaited sequel to t…store.steampowered.com